A New, Uplifting Wellness Program

We all know what it feels like to be stressed. From everyday stressors such as heavy traffic or work deadlines, to more profound stressors such as personal illness, we can relate to the rising tension and its effect on our mood. 

When demands placed on us exceed our resources and coping abilities, then our mental health can suffer. The CDC reports that more than 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime, and that 1 in 5 will experience mental illness in a given year. 

Psychological stress can have a devastating impact on our physical health too. Heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, weight gain, sleep problems, headaches, and digestive issues have all been linked to chronic stress.

The need for mental health and resilience strategies in our society is clear. Many Americans turn to antidepressants as a coping mechanism, but there is also a wealth of behavioral modifications – a treasure trove of practical, actionable steps we can take – shown to improve mood significantly. 

This is why I’m excited to offer The Lift Project, a premier, evidence-based wellness program developed by internationally-renowned health and wellness expert, Dr. Darren Morton. The Lift Project, a small group program delivered as 10 sessions over 10 weeks, helps participants learn and experience scientifically proven ways to feel better and live more. The program draws together the findings from over 300 studies in the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, and lifestyle medicine. 

The infographic below showcases feedback from program participants. People overwhelmingly report that the program has positively affected their well-being:

Each lesson involves four parts: Learn, Experience, Think, and Share:

Learn – Discover amazing insights about how to achieve a mood lift

Experience – You’ll be given a fun daily and weekly challenge that involves putting into practice what you’ve learned

Think – Reflecting on experience encourages growth. For that reason, you’ll be encouraged to think about what you’re learning and experiencing through reflection questions. 

Share – The best way to learn anything is to teach it. Each week you’ll be challenged to share what you’ve learned with someone else. In doing so, you may just give that person a lift too! 

For additional information, please feel free to read more about the program content here or to reach out here

Be encouraged to know that despite life’s challenges or even a genetic predisposition to anxiety or depression, we can take practical steps to improve our mental health and resilience. The more we equip ourselves with the right knowledge, resources, and support, the more empowered we are to experience life to the fullest.




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Stephanie Ross