The Difference Between Health and Wellness

I almost chose a different name for the business. I had thought about calling it Crown Health Coaching. It made sense after all; health coaching and the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk factors are key aspects of the business. 

I changed my mind when I learned about a model called The Illness-Wellness Continuum, developed by Dr. John Travis in 1972, and first published in the Wellness Inventory:


In general, when we say that people are healthy, we mean that they have no illnesses or conditions rendering them sick or injured. This mindset reflects the traditional medical model, which focuses on the left side of the spectrum. In this model we seek care for an illness or injury, and we get a clean bill of health once we’ve reached the neutral point. 

As we see in the continuum, however, there is a whole world of wellness that exists beyond the neutral point of health. Integrative health coaching incorporates ten dimensions of wellness: 

-- Mindful awareness

-- Relationships and Communication

-- Nutrition

-- Personal and Professional Development

-- Movement and Exercise

-- Spirituality

-- Sleep and Rest

-- Mind-Body Connection

-- Physical Environment

-- Professional Care

A person may not be experiencing signs or symptoms of illness, but may still lack wellness in a given area. Awareness, education, and growth in these areas can contribute to a higher level of wellness, which in turn prevents or slows movement toward the left end of the continuum.

An important question remains: What if somebody has a disability or chronic condition that isn’t curable? Is that person ever able to experience wellness? The answer to that question is a resounding “yes.” People can achieve high levels of well-being despite health limitations. We see inspirational examples of people who have endured significant setbacks but have managed to bring good out of their situations and live happy, fulfilling lives. 

The treatment paradigm is important, but the takeaway message is that we can grow beyond the neutral point and despite setbacks. That’s the reason I elected to name the business Crown Wellness Coaching.

We can work together not only to help you reverse illness but to achieve greater wellness in all the areas of your life. You deserve to live a life of better health and wellness; let’s make it happen!

For more about the benefits of coaching, read here.

For more about the program proven to reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors, read here.

Stephanie Ross