Why Board Certified Coaches Matter


Many people advertising health and wellness services refer to themselves as a “health coach,” but that title can mislead the public. Someone trumpeting that name may know little beyond having taken a weekend crash course or selling a supplement. 

Official logo for National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches

Official logo for National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches

This confusion helped to fuel the development of the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching, which requires that prospective coaches meet rigorous criteria: (1) complete an approved training program; (2) log a specified number of sessions coaching clients; and (3) pass a 4-hour exam, which the NBHWC developed in conjunction with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), the same credentialing body that tests physicians for medical licensure. 

Setting robust standards for the profession, the NBHWC provides the education, training, and assessment that prepare coaches to deliver high-quality coaching. We work with you in a client-centered process that enables you to develop and achieve self-determined health and wellness goals. The notion of self-determined goals is significant because people are more likely to follow through with steps they set for themselves, versus those that someone else imposes on them. As board certified health coaches, we guide you in that process, providing support, accountability, resources, and expertise along the way. We can help you discover new insights and personal strengths. We partner with you, advocate for you, and coach you in an atmosphere of non-judgment and unconditional positive regard. While we do not per se diagnose or treat medical conditions, we can work with you in a way that is consistent with a treatment plan from your healthcare provider. 

When you work with a board certified health coach, you can be confident that you are working with the highest-qualified professionals in the field. 

Schedule a free phone consultation here to learn more about the ways health coaching can help you achieve your health goals. 

Stephanie Ross